Club Complaints Procedure

In the event that any member feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in any way, or that the Club policies, Rules or Code of Conduct have been broken they should follow the procedures below. South Woodham Ferrers United takes all complaints very seriously and will investigate each reported incident, as appropriate.

1: They should report the matter to a member of the committee. Contact details can be found on the South Woodham Ferrers United website. Note: If your compliant is urgent and involves the wellbeing of a child, please contact Mike Warren, Club Welfare Officer via email

Your report should include:
a) Details of what, when and where the occurrence took place.
b) Any witness statements and names
c) Names of any others who have been treated in a similar way
d) Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made
e) A preference for a solution to the incident

2: The complaint shall be reviewed by the most appropriate members of the committee and all parties shall be given a fair hearing. If required, the committee shall protect the anonymity of any involved party.

3: The Club’s Management Committee will sit for any hearings that are requested. This may include invited members of the respective league or County FA, should the matter necessitate.
a) The Club’s Management Committee will have the power to:
b) Warn as to future conduct
c) Suspend from membership
d) Remove from membership; any person found to have broken the club’s policies r Codes of Conduct

4: The Club’s Management Committee decision shall be final and no appeals process will be implemented.

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